Terms of Sale


All cover sales include customization of the author name, book title, and additon of a tag line (if desired) in the font the premade cover is displayed with. Additionally, the purchase of a paperback wrap includes the addition of spine information (title and author name, publishers or series graphic if supplied to us), and back cover blurb, as well as sizing the book spine and trim.

To properly size your paperback wrap, we will need:

  • The trim size (print size like 6×9 inches)
  • The final PDF page count for that trim size (final page count for formatted book)

Please include this information along with title, author name, tag line, and blurb when you email us.

Any additional changes such as a different font or to an image (ex. hair color) or extra graphics (such as series logos) will incur an agreed to fee before work begins.


With the sale of a book cover, chapter header image, scene break, chapter background, or any other digital good, the copyright of the purchased graphic is granted to the purchaser. We (Artistic Bindings and the artist who created the work) retain only rights to display the design as part of our portfolio of completed work.

Returns and Refunds

Once a cover is customized with an author name, title, etc, we no longer accept returns. We do not accept returns of other graphics such as scene breaks, chapter header images, chapter backgrounds, etc.

Resale of Purchased Graphics

A purchaser is free to resell any graphic purchased from us. However, we will charge a fee to customize the cover with a new title, author name, etc. Please do not promise the new purchaser that these things will be done for free.


We only sell a cover design once and promise to you not to see the exact same cover ever again.

We also guarantee that if there are any errors when uploading your cover or interior graphics, that we will fix the problem without a fee if it is an issue caused by us. Please take a screenshot of the error and email it to us along with any other information and we’ll be in touch with details.

If Upload Was Rejected Because of Wrong Information

If you gave us the wrong information such as the wrong trim size for a paperback wrap or an incorrect author name, we can still fix the issue but may charge a nominal fee for our time to fix the error.

Need help?

Contact us via email or via our contact form for questions related to refunds and returns.

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